How to submit online application APDSC Step by Step process live video

How to apply APDSC Step by Step process live video

APDSC Online submission last date is 16-11-2018 and Fee payment at payment Gateway is 15-11-2018. AP DSC TET cum TRT, Online submission of Application form, How make online payment for APDSC, How to submit Online application form for APDSC, APDSC application submission video, video of APDSC application submit, Submit application of APDSC video, DSC TET cum TRT payment of online fee video, APDSC TET cum TRT online apply video, procedure of fee payment for APDSC, how pay fee for APDSC, APSC online apply youtube video, youtube video of APDSC online apply, youtube video of APDSC online application submission how-to-online-application-form-for-apdsc-tet-cum-trt-step-by-step-process-live-video.

What are the Details you need to prepare before submission of online form

Write all the following information one a white paper first before going submit the application form. It will be more easy for you if you prepare the following information ready with you before starting the APDSC online submission of application form.

SSC or its Equivalent Qualification :

  1. Board 
  2. HallTicket No 
  3. Medium 
  4. Language 
  5. Date of Passing

Intermediate or its Equivalent Qualification:

  1. Board 
  2. HallTicket No 
  3. Medium 
  4. 2nd Language 
  5. Date of Passing

Degree or its Equivalent Qualification:

  1. Type of Study(Degree)
  2. Qualification
  3. Percentage Of Marks
  4. University
  5. Medium 
  6. 1st Language
  7. 2nd Language
  8. Date of Passing
  9. 1st Optional Subject
  10. 2nd Optional Subject
  11. 3rd Optional Subject
  12. 4th Optional Subject

Post Graduation or its Equivalent Qualification:

  1. Qualification 
  2. University 
  3. Subject 
  4. Date of Passing


  1. Qualification 
  2. University 
  3. Language 
  4. Date of Passing

APDSC online apply

Step by step process for Fee Payment 

  1. Open the official website
  2. click on Payment Gateway
  3. Personal details page will be opened
  4. Select Post you want to apply
  5. Enter your Name
  6. Enter Date of Birth
  7. Enter Mobile Number

  8. Tick the box to receive Notifications, Alerts, OTPs to the Mobile Number
  9. Select you belongs to Andhra Pradesh State(YES/NO)
  10. Select Community belongs to you
  11. Enter Aadhaar Number
  12. Fee amount will be populated automatically
  13. Are you Physically handicapped? Select (YES/NO)
  14. Are you ex-Service Men: (YES/NO)
  15. Enter the Verification code shown in the image
  16. check all the details entered by you once again
  17. Click On proceed
  18. Payment page will be opened
  19. you can pay with Credit Card, Debit Card, Internet Banking options
  20. After successfull payment you will show Acknowledgement
  21. Acknowledgement consist of Journal Number, Reference ID, Date of payment
  22. Keep this Acknowledgement carefully

Step by Step process for online submission application after payment of Fee

Personal Details as follows:

  1. After Payment
  2. Click on the Submit application form
  3. Enter Mother Name
  4. Father Name
  5. Select Gender

Residential Information

  1. Local District
  2. Select District

  3. Select Mandal
  4. Enter PIN Code
  5. Enter Mobile Number
  6. Enter E-mail ID
  7. Enter Aadhaar Number
  8. Select Community
  9. Select Marital Status
  10. Select Differently Abled(PH): (YES/NO)
  11. TET Qualified or not(YES/NO)

Enter all the Educational Details As shown above

  1. Tick the Eligibity as per Notification box
  2. Tick the Declaration box
  3. Click On preview button
  4. If any thing gone wrong then click on Edit button
  5. IF Every thing is correct then click on Submit Button
  6. in the next screen Download your submitted application form with reference ID

How to submit online application APDSC Step by Step process live video How to submit online application APDSC Step by Step process live video Reviewed by APDSC TET cum TRT on 7:54 PM Rating: 5

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